April 2 •

Noah...Saved By Grace

"Genesis 6:8 says, “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” How was Noah saved? By grace. The only way that anybody has ever been saved in the history of the world is by grace. God only has one plan of salvation from beginning to end...


March 30 •

Jesus...The Ark Of Safety, Part 2

"Do you think that Noah was safe in the ark? Absolutely. Now, Noah may have fallen down several times inside that ark, but he couldn’t fall out of it. Noah was as safe as that ark was safe, because Noah was in the ark. It had atonement on t...


March 29 •

Jesus...The Ark Of Safety, Part 1

"God wants us to be saved so much that He gives illustrations all through the Bible about it. I believe one of the grandest pictures of salvation is from the story of Noah’s ark. Noah’s ark is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ in this way:...


March 28 •

God Rebukes His Children

"Can a child of God sin? Yes. Can a child of God sin and not suffer? Absolutely not. If you are living in sin and God does not rebuke and convict you, I wouldn’t give half a hallelujah for your hope of heaven. If you’re a child of God and i...


March 27 •

Failing At The Point Of Strength

"If you study the great men of God in the Bible, you will discover that they failed at their point of strength, not weakness. What was Simon Peter’s greatest strength? His courage. He said, “Lord, I am ready to go with Thee, both into priso...


March 26 •

Eternal Security Of The Believer

"No one has ever been physically born twice. Have you ever known anybody that was born twice physically? And nobody has ever been born twice spiritually. That’s the reason we believe in the eternal security of the believer. Nowhere in the e...


March 23 •

Being Born Again

"Nicodemus, an influential Pharisee and a ruler of the Sanhedrin, asked Jesus this question, "How can a man be born when he is old?" Jesus responded in John 3:7 by saying, "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again." Jesus di...


March 22 •

Growing In Times Of Despair, Part 2

"God is not nearly as interested in making you happy and healthy as He is in making you holy. Knowing that, you will then understand that sometimes God will bring trouble into your life. Psalm 4:1 says, “Hear me when I call, O God of my rig...


March 21 •

Growing In Times Of Despair, Part 1

"What is God’s plan for you? God wants to enlarge you, not indulge you. God is not nearly as interested in making you happy and healthy as He is in making you holy. Knowing that, you will then understand that sometimes God will bring troubl...


March 20 •

Yes, Have Children

"If I did not know what I know from God’s Word, I would be a pessimist. And I believe you would too. I would also be afraid to bring children into this world if I did not know God. But because I know God, I want to encourage you to have chi...