July 30 • Luke 22:31-34

God Wants to Cleanse Not Accuse

No matter how you’ve failed, He still has compassion. And no matter your disobedience, He is still committed to you. He will see you through.


July 29 • Luke 22:45-46

Are You Fully Dependent on God?

When we choose other activities before spending time with God seeking his power, we display a dependence on ourselves rather than a full dependence on God.


Luke 22:31-34

The Dawning of a New Day Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

The night that Jesus was arrested and sentenced to death, one of Jesus’ most devoted followers, Peter, denied knowing Him three times. In this message, Adrian Rogers discusses God’s love for Christians who struggle in the darkness of night, and how they may come to see the dawning of a new day.


July 28 • James 1:5-8

Do You Ask God for Wisdom?

God is the source of wisdom and when we seek Him, He will give us His wisdom.


July 27 • James 1:4

Maturity in Christian Leadership

The church must be careful not to promote individuals to leadership before they have demonstrated maturity lest those leaders be lifted up, tempted with pride, and fall under the condemnation of the devil.


July 26 • John 16:33

Experiencing Growth Through Suffering

If we want to be mature Christians, we need to understand the place endurance and hardship have in our faith. These are the places where we grow.


July 25 • James 1:2-3

Do You Quit Too Soon?

Many people quit too soon. The way that God gives us endurance is by giving us opportunities to endure as we rely on Him.


James 1:2-6

Learning to Endure Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

There will be heartache in this life. That is guaranteed. But in this message, Adrian Rogers explains the importance of learning to endure, as well as five extraordinary things we can learn from the trials we face.


July 24 • Joshua 7:20-21

Is Your Heart Open Before God?

When a sinful desire begins to build in your heart without confessing it to God, that desire will progress into an action. And many times, those desires and actions are then hidden. Private sin is never really private. What you cover, God will uncover, but what you uncover, God will cover.


July 23 • Romans 1:20-23

Who Do You Really Worship?

All people were made to worship. When we refuse the truth of God, we get a god of our own making: we create idols. Anything you fear more, love more, serve more, and value more than God is an idol.

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