April 24 • Creation & Evolution

The Power Of Creation

"Where did everything come from? “For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and...


April 23 •

Faith Comes By Hearing

"Every one of us has faith in the natural realm. We believe chairs will hold us up, planes will take us where we need to go, and the food we’re served is safe to eat. But that’s not the kind of faith to which Paul refers when he says, “So t...


April 20 •

Faith In Jesus...Not Faith In Faith

"The devil wants to make you doubt your salvation. One of these days, he’s going to say, “You say you trust Jesus. Well, just how strong is your faith? Maybe your faith is not strong enough to save you. Maybe you don’t have enough faith.” A...


April 19 •

The Object Of Our Faith

"Some people say faith moves mountains. That is not true. God moves mountains. Faith is no better than its object. Faith in faith is nothing but positive thinking. If you put faith in positive thinking, you are going to become discouraged. ...


April 18 •

Living By Faith

"Everything we have pertaining to our salvation and sanctification are gifts from God by faith. Do you want to be saved? Romans 5:1 says, “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Do you wan...


April 17 •

Faith...A Gift From God

"Faith is a gift from God, but does that mean if God gives faith that we are going to automatically believe? No. Just like faith is a gift from God, breathing is a gift. God gives me lungs and air, but I can smother if I want to. God gives ...


April 16 •

Making Good Time On The Wrong Road

"One day I had a meeting in South Florida. When I arrived, I rented a car and I was surprised to find that they gave me a really nice one. I turned on the radio and found the most gorgeous music. I began driving down the road and discovered...


April 13 •

Saved or Lost?

"Jesus said, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). To be saved is man’s greatest need. When I say that, I know that truth falls flat, because “saved” is an old-fashioned word. In some circles it ...


April 12 •

Transformation...Not Substitution

"God is building His saints with spiritual steel so that we will have rock-solid faith in the storms of life. You see, God is going to put you in the fire of affliction to test you. Why go to all this trouble? Why not just make us “instant ...


April 10 •

Conversion Brings Conflict

"There was a man who went duck hunting with the farmhand who worked on his farm. The farmer wasn’t a believer, but the farmhand was. The farmer said to the farmhand, “You’re always talking about fighting with the devil. I never have to figh...