August 3 • Galatians 3:2-4

What Must You Do to be Saved?

Grace is the free gift of God. The Spirit that saved you is the Spirit that’s going to perfect you and carry you all the way through.


August 2 • 1 Corinthians 15:10

God Created a Thirst in You

The thirst for God in you is a gift of God. It pleased God to do this. So, the grace that saved you is from the God who loves you and is seeking for you.


August 1 • Galatians 1:6-9

Is Jesus Real to You?

We believe in the Gospel that not only brings Christ in but also centers in Him.


Galatians 1:6-12

The Gospel of Grace Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

Man has three great enemies: sin, sorrow, and death. There is no answer to these problems apart from Jesus Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares five things about the Gospel of grace.


Psalm 37

Too Blessed to Be Stressed Outline and Legacy Collection

Few things are as debilitating as worry; it will take the blue out of your sky and the joy out of your heart. In this message from Psalm 37, Adrian Rogers explains how we are too blessed to be stressed.


July 31 • Psalm 37:3-5

Do You Really Trust God to Take Care of You?

Worry is a way of saying, “I don’t believe God can provide for me.” Trust completely in the Lord. God says you’ll dwell in the land, and you will be fed.


July 30 • Luke 22:31-34

God Wants to Cleanse Not Accuse

No matter how you’ve failed, He still has compassion. And no matter your disobedience, He is still committed to you. He will see you through.


Luke 22:31-34

The Dawning of a New Day Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

The night that Jesus was arrested and sentenced to death, one of Jesus’ most devoted followers, Peter, denied knowing Him three times. In this message, Adrian Rogers discusses God’s love for Christians who struggle in the darkness of night, and how they may come to see the dawning of a new day.


July 29 • Luke 22:45-46

Are You Fully Dependent on God?

When we choose other activities before spending time with God seeking his power, we display a dependence on ourselves rather than a full dependence on God.


July 28 • James 1:5-8

Do You Ask God for Wisdom?

God is the source of wisdom and when we seek Him, He will give us His wisdom.

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