February 17 •

Faithful With Our Finances

"“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much” (Luke 16:10). What would you do if you had a million dollars? You might say you would give some to help other...


February 11 •

God Holds On To Us

"Sometimes I hear people share their testimonies, and in the midst they’ll make a comment like, “Brethren, pray for us that we’ll hold out faithful to the end.” I think I know what they mean, but I always smile a little bit because I have t...


February 10 •

Freedom To Decide

"Don’t ever let anybody tell you that you have been predestined to go to hell. You have the freedom to decide otherwise. We are not machines. We are human beings. You are free to do as you wish, but it takes the grace of God for you to do a...


February 9 • Prayer

Why Prayer?

"Why does God want us to pray? Matthew 6:8b says, “Your Father knows what things you have need of, before you ask Him.” So why ask God to do what He already wants to do? Why ask God to do something for us when He already knows our needs? Th...


February 8 • Prayer

Unasked Prayer

"Do you know the greatest problem in prayer is not unanswered prayer? It is unasked prayer. Most of us don’t even get to the asking part. James 4:2c says, “Ye have not, because ye ask not.” Unoffered prayer is not merely a tragedy, it is a...


February 7 • Prayer

No Substitute For Prayer

"Jesus said, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8). ...


February 4 • Prayer

Growth Through Prayer

"There is nothing more important than prayer to help you grow as a Christian. You see, when you abide in the Lord Jesus Christ and He abides in you, then you are growing as you pray. Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t answer your praye...


February 3 •

Real Wealth

"Many people think they are wealthy when they’re not. It’s a strange thing. There was a program on television called “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.” Have you seen it? A better name might be “The Lifestyles of the Rich and Foolish.” No...


February 2 • Jesus

Jesus: The Only Hope

"Are Christians fools for believing in Jesus? Are we mere sentimentalists, or do we have reasonable reasons for believing in the Lord Jesus Christ? My dear friend, false religion will never satisfy the hungry heart. If you go to the tomb o...


December 24 • Christmas

God Gave Love For Christmas

"Are you looking for something to give somebody this Christmas? Why not give them what God gave? His love. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, b...