When this verse in Second Corinthians says we are changed into the “same image,” it is referring to the image of Jesus Christ. Being transformed into His image is the goal, the ambition, of every true believer. But how do you become more like Jesus?
READ MORESo for us as believers, Thanksgiving is far above being a day of hearty feasting and being entertained by sports. It is a very wonderful opportunity to exercise our sacred duty and high privilege of praising God for His goodness and mercy to us.
We are commanded to be thankful. And we know that God delights in the praises of His people. Therefore, you and I need to ask how we can be a thankful people at this season. I want to suggest several things that you will find are important as you consider how.
READ MOREThere is a story that is told of Salvation Army founder William Booth. In his later years and in frail health, he was invited to say a word of encouragement to a convocation. Unable to attend, he sent a telegram with a simple yet powerful message. It had one word on it: “Others.”
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Most would agree that these are trying and confusing times. And as we look at the year before us, how can we know God’s will? By trusting and acknowledging Him in all our ways. Yes, it’s difficult in uncertain days, but remember: His will is not a “roadmap”—it’s a relationship.
READ MOREIf you received a thousand dollars for every soul you led to Christ, would it make a difference? Would it increase your motivation? I want to speak to you about the soul winner's motivation.
The mightiest soul winner I know anything about is the Apostle Paul, and in 2 Corinthians we find out what motivated him to be the greatest missionary the world has ever known. People asked Paul, “Why do you work so hard?”
READ MOREDo you know sorrow and suffering … pain and disappointment? If not, just wait—you will.
Something is desperately wrong in this world! Sickness, war, hate, riots, sorrow, and confusion fill our age. Man longs for a better day, but this millennium has become pandemonium.
READ MOREIf you wanted a study of character, nobility, wisdom, courage, and devotion; you could not find a better man than David. The Bible calls him, "...a man after God’s own heart" (Acts 13:22).
Yet there was a dark chapter in David’s life. Even though he was a great man and loved God, David committed a horrible and egregious sin against Almighty God. He entered into an adulterous affair with Bathsheba. Then, in an attempt to cover his sin, he arranged to have her husband killed.