When there is no fixed standard of right and wrong God doesn’t have to judge us. We judge ourselves by leaving God out! Every person does what is right in his or her own eyes.
READ MOREEven when we have times of plenty and even after God’s provision, we still tend to forget that our blessings come from the hand of God. If we fail to exercise wisdom and caution, we will miss God Himself.
READ MOREThe Book of Judges tells the story of how God blessed the nation of Israel, and how Israel then lost her glory. But, despite its darkness, this book holds out hope that God will bless the nation again. In this message, Adrian Rogers offers three takeaways from Judges 1, that we might bring back the glory of our own nation.
READ MORESometimes, when we see a problem, we jump to fix it on our own power or seek the help of others to solve it. God desires us to seek Him first in prayer for the solution to the problem and trust Him to work out the details.
READ MOREWhen we surrender our plans to the Lord and are committed to following Him, He will show us the path to follow.
READ MOREWhat are you looking to for the food of life? Have you considered that it may have control of you?
READ MOREAs we grow in our love and obedience to God, we will experience more freedom.
READ MOREIf we want to know what is wrong with our great nation, we should first look in the mirror. By and large, nations receive the kind of government they deserve. What we expect out of our Constitution and government today is not something they were designed to do. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares our only hope for this great nation.
READ MOREThe America of today is not the America that we once knew. This nation has been taken captive by the world, the flesh, and the devil. But there is hope, as there was hope in the days of Nehemiah. In this message, Adrian Rogers encourages us to commit to calling America back to God.
READ MORESomebody has described the Church today as a dry-eyed church in a Hell-bent world. It is time to weep. Our city is worth weeping over; our children and grandchildren are worth weeping over; our homes are worth weeping over; this nation is worth weeping over; the lost souls of people are worth weeping over.