God Invites You to a Closer Walk

You are not alone. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, God is with you. He is always calling, always inviting, and always empowering you to know Him and to walk more closely with Him. This is true whether you’re still questioning His existence and are honestly seeking, or you’ve already discovered Him, accepted His gift of salvation, and confessed Jesus as Lord of your life. It is true whether you’re a baby Christian taking your first steps or you’re a mature believer longing to walk more closely, more consistently, more confidently with your beloved Savior.


Gratitude Makes Us More Like Jesus

God does not NEED our gratitude, but He wants our gratitude, which we express as worship. Why? Does anything we have to give enrich God? If we give him our money, his wealth does not increase—He owns “the cattle on a thousand hills.” (See Psalm 50:10.) If we give Him our strength, He is no stronger—He already upholds the Universe “by the word of His power.” (See Hebrews 1:3.) God does not learn anything if we give Him our knowledge—He “knows all things” (See 1 John 3:20.); “His understanding is infinite” (Psalm 147:5).


Jesus: The One and Only Lord and Savior

Only Jesus reveals the Father, rules the Universe, and reconciles the lost.


Jesus: The Biography of Our King

The Baby Jesus born in Bethlehem is fully God, fully man, the Messiah promised in Old Testament Scripture, the Savior of the world, and the eternal King.



Jesus: Wise Men Worship Him

You can be wise and worship Jesus not just as a baby in the manager but as the Lord of lords and King of kings.


Jesus: Baby, Son of God, the Great I AM

The Baby Jesus in the manger is the Son of God; He is one with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. This is the Trinity.


Jesus: The Lamb of God

Jesus is the Lamb of God who was prophesied in the Old Testament, slain for the sin of the world and resurrected according to the Gospels, and stands in victory in the Book of Revelation.


Baby Jesus, the “Thrill of Hope,” Changes Everything!

You’ve heard young couples say, “A baby changes everything.” This is so true! There is a moment after the birth of a baby in which the whole world is transformed. Nine months of waiting have ended and a deep love previously unknown is awakened in the hearts of Mom, Dad, siblings, grandparents…every member of the family.


You Can’t Measure the Value of the Human Soul

An individual soul is of inestimable value, but that individual must decide for Christ or forfeit that value for eternity.


The Decision is Yours: Facing the Day of Judgement

Those who do not decide to follow Jesus will face the final judgement. Their secrets will be exposed, a verdict will be handed down, and they will experience eternity without God.