Strong faith comes from hearing, believing, obeying, and resting in the Word of God. As we employ such faith, our relationship with God grows.
READ MOREThe finite cannot grasp the infinite. You can know the one true God only by divine revelation.
READ MORELiving a life of grateful worship means our everyday actions look like Christ, exhibit His power, and result in praise to His name.
READ MOREWe can thank God for His Holy Spirit because it is He who convicts us of sin, convinces us that we can be made right with God only through the Savior, and helps us understand Satan’s power over us is broken.
READ MORECan we thank God for everything? Here are seven reasons why we can thank God even when we endure trouble.
READ MOREEvery man and woman is, by nature, lost and broken. Though body and soul are intact, Man’s spirit is a dark, godless void. Jesus came to seek and save the lost—to reclaim those who will receive Him, to restore them to wholeness, and to bring them back to the one true God forever.
READ MOREThe “Champions of Faith” in Hebrews Chapter 11 have much to teach us about the way God works in and through His people. God used both their successes and their failures for His glory. He’s still doing that today. Yield everything to Him and He will develop you into a Champion of Faith.
READ MOREEveryone faces storms. Rich or poor, young or old, famous or unknown, we all have trouble. What differs is our ability to weather those storms. Those who know, trust, and follow Jesus as Captain of their lives are able to stand when others fall. As the hymn writer Richard Adams notes: "He is greater than the thunder, He is mightier than the storm; He extends His hand to lift me, and protect my soul from harm.”
READ MOREWhen we consider the signs of the end times and look at current events, we ask, “When is Jesus coming again? When will the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, and the Second Coming of Christ take place?” Jesus Himself told us we won’t know the day or the hour. We do know He has told us not to fear, and He has commissioned us to share the Gospel and make disciples.
READ MOREGod reveals Himself to all people—through His work in creation, through the Bible, and through the person of His Son, Jesus. Why, then, do some believe and follow Christ and others walk away from the revelation they’ve been given? It is because, while faith in God involves the intellect, it does not arrive through knowledge alone. Just as God cannot be disproved or honestly disavowed through reason, He cannot be apprehended only through reason.