Spiritual Disciplines

True Friends Share Jesus

A true friend shares Jesus because He is the perfect example of real love and friendship. A true and godly friend is someone who shares, sharpens, and sticks—even in difficult times. Real friendships are built intentionally as our words and actions show people we accept them, appreciate them, and assure them of God’s love.


Spiritual Disciplines

The Four Keys to Living an Abundant Life

In John 11, Jesus raised His friend, Lazarus, from the dead. This miracle is an illustration of the abundant life we can have in Jesus Christ. In this article, you’ll find four principles of an abundant life from the teaching of Pastor Adrian Rogers.


Spiritual Disciplines

How to Live an Abundant Life Focused on Jesus

In Joshua 3, the children of Israel were approaching the Promised Land of opportunity. To get there, they faced a raging river of difficulty. However, they had with them the Ark of the Covenant, which changed everything. In this article from the teaching of Pastor Adrian Rogers, you’ll learn how you can live abundantly when you fix your eyes on Jesus in the face of difficulty.


Spiritual Disciplines

The Joy of the Lord Is My Strength for Abundant Living

The life of a Christian is to be a life of continual, contagious joy. The joy of the Lord is our strength. It is how we are able to face the heartaches and trials of life. In this article from the teaching of Pastor Adrian Rogers, you will learn how to have fullness of joy and what it looks like to abide in Jesus.


Spiritual Disciplines

Christ Jesus Is the Greatest Source of Abundant Life

In the Old Testament, King Solomon was the apex of all greatness, wealth, and wonder. By all appearances of class, wealth and status, Jesus did not compare to Solomon. This article from the teaching of Adrian Rogers reveals how our great Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, is infinitely greater than Solomon and able to bring us even greater abundance than Solomon possessed.


Jesus Wants to Give Us Abundant Life!

Jesus wants those who are His to live fully. He said in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” In this article from the teaching of Pastor Adrian Rogers, you will explore the truth that fellowship with God as we abide in Jesus brings abundant life.


How to Experience Fellowship with Jesus

Discover the joy of fellowship with Jesus. Learn how to deepen your relationship with Him and experience His presence in your life.


Obstacles That Hinder Fellowship with Jesus

Uncover the obstacles that come between you and meaningful fellowship with Jesus and find practical solutions to overcome them.


Christlike Attributes of Born-Again Christians

Uncover the Christlike attributes that mark the lives of born-again Christians. Learn how abiding in Christ to further develop these attributes can guide your relationship with Jesus and produce spiritual fruit.


How to Be a Growing, Born-Again Christian

Grow your faith as a born-again Christian. Learn how you can mature in your relationship with God.