Discover the transformative power of the Word of God. Learn how to make God’s Word come alive in your daily life.
READ MOREFrom the lowly manger to His position of eternal majesty, Jesus is worthy of our praise and adoration. O come let us adore Him; the Son of God is God the Son.
READ MOREDiscover practical insights on how to grow your faith found in Romans 5. Strengthen your foundation of faith and find inspiration in your relationship with God.
Learn how Romans 6 provides wisdom to steer our lives on a path to victorious living, strength, and purpose because of our relationship with God.
READ MORELuke 14 offers guidance to follow Jesus with unwavering devotion and selfless love. Find inspiration for everyday living in your relationship with God.
READ MOREExperience great joy in life from John 15. Explore the profound truth of abiding in love and discovering true happiness through a vibrant relationship with Christ.
READ MOREDiscover great insights that will help you experience victorious living that leads to a life filled with joy and unwavering faith as you follow Jesus every day.
READ MORETo lay a strong foundation for your life, you must have the Word of God, truly hear the Word of God, and heed (or obey) the Word of God. Then you can stand strong in the storm with the faith you need to overcome adversity.
READ MOREGrace is God’s acceptance of you. Faith is your acceptance of God’s acceptance of you. Peace comes when you put your faith in the grace of God. Now you can accept yourself, and for the first time, you are free to accept others. That is unconditional love.