
Jesus Is the Answer to Our Doubt and Faith in God

Uncover the power of faith in God. Learn from Jesus’ miracle healing of a nobleman’s son that Jesus is the answer to your doubt and your faith. Allow Jesus to strengthen your belief in God’s presence.


Struggles & Suffering

Jesus Is the Answer to Our Problems and Desires

Discover how Jesus is the answer to your problems and desires. Learn how His miracle of feeding thousands of people with a few loaves and fishes can unlock the mystery of His mission. He is the Bread of Life who brings peace, purpose, and satisfaction for every believer.


Struggles & Suffering

Jesus Is the Answer When Life Is Hard

Explore how Jesus is the answer and your source of strength when life is hard. Discover what Jesus’ disciples learned when Jesus sent them into a storm on the Sea of Galilee. Walk in the transformative power of faith in Jesus.



Jesus Is the Answer to Both Life and Death

Explore the message of how Jesus is the answer to both life and death. Go with Jesus to the tomb of His beloved friend, Lazarus, and learn to lean on the promises of hope today and life eternal with the Savior.


Struggles & Suffering

Jesus is The Answer to Our Struggles in Life

Discover the profound truth that Jesus is the answer during times of struggle. Explore Jesus’ earthly miracles and learn how He is the Miracle you need to find strength and guidance for life’s struggles.


God's Will

How to Experience the Presence of God

Many people know about God. That is one of the great problems in the Church: we have many who know about God, and few who know God. When you truly come to know Him, you will have both rest and stability in your life. You will experience God’s presence.



You Are Saved by Grace, Not by Religion

When Jesus invited thirsty people to come to Him and drink, as He did in John 7, He was inviting them into a deeply satisfying relationship with Himself. This relationship is like a river that not only provides abundant life for those who come and drink but also flows out of true Christians to bless others.



Love One Another as I Have Loved You

It is a great honor to be called a friend of Jesus. Those who are Jesus’ friends are rewarded with spiritual insight; they produce lasting spiritual fruit. But this friendship cost Jesus His life on the cross, and it will cost those who follow Him as well.



Treasuring the Holy Trinity

Knowing God as three-in-one—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—is foundational to the Christian life. While we may not fully understand the Holy Trinity, God has revealed Himself in the Bible in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.



You Can Have a Personal Relationship with God

Building a personal relationship with God is possible for everyone who has accepted the Gift of God, salvation through Christ Jesus. Learn how to cultivate a meaningful relationship with Jesus that will transform your life!