June 18 • Matthew 13:37-40

What to Do About False Religion

While it’s not our job to go rooting out spiritual weeds, we also must be careful not to spend our money and efforts to fertilize weeds. Invest in God’s kingdom, not in false religions.


Matthew 13:24-30, 37-40

The Strange Mystery of the Counterfeit Christian Outline and Legacy Collection

Not everybody who claims to be a Christian is a genuine Christian. The parable of the wheat and the tares is a word of comfort, warning, and instruction regarding hypocrisy. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the strange mystery of the counterfeit Christian.


June 17 • Matthew 13:24-30

Why Do People Counterfeit Christianity?

Hypocrites, counterfeit Christians, false disciples, and false ministers have not taken God by surprise. People counterfeit that which is worthwhile.


June 16 • 2 Peter 2:18-21

Don’t Harden Your Heart to God

The Bible warns us: If you can hear God’s voice, don’t harden your heart!


June 15 • Luke 8:4-8

Are You Scattering Seeds of the Gospel Lavishly?

e need to scatter the seed of the Gospel everywhere. It doesn’t make any difference where you are, you never know when the seed is going to sprout. Don’t be as much a soil tester as a seed sower.


June 14 • Matthew 13:3-9

Are You Sowing the Seed of God’s Word?

There is power in the Word of God. It is alive and it is powerful. It’s like a seed, and the secret of a seed is that it germinates life. And the seed needs to be sown.


June 13 • Matthew 13:10-13

Are You Teachable and Guidable?

God is looking for one who is humble, who will yield to His way to receive truth. Is that you? Are you teachable and guidable? If you are, God wants to share His sacred secrets with you.


Matthew 13:1

Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven Outline and Legacy Collection

Jesus was the master teacher. He taught in parables, which the meek and teachable could understand, while the scholars could not. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains the parable of the sower, and how we can understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.


Ephesians 1:15-23

The Conquering Christ Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

God created man and woman to have dominion—to rule over this Earth. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how this dominion was legally lost by Adam, but rightfully regained by the Second Adam, the conquering Christ.


June 12 • Ephesians 1:15-18

All Authority in Jesus

Satan hopes you never learn that your dominion which was legally lost was rightfully regained by Jesus and has now been gloriously given to you.

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