Hebrews 11:7; Genesis 6:1-22

The Captain and His Kids Outline and Legacy Collection

Noah’s faith in God saved him and his family from the Great Flood in Genesis 6. In this message, Adrian Rogers analyzes the symbolism, salvation, and security of the ship so that we might enter the ark of safety (through Jesus Christ) in a time of increasing rebellion against God.


February 15 • Hebrews 11:7

How Are We Saved?

We are not saved because we are such good people; we are saved by the grace of God.


February 14 • Proverbs 22:6

God Only Makes Originals

Children are different. God has wired them differently and gifted them all in different ways to be used for His glory.


Proverbs 22:6

Raising Young Champions Outline and Legacy Collection

Do you want to raise a young champion for Jesus Christ? Adrian Rogers offers powerful insight and practical application on how to train up your children to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ.


February 13 • Matthew 18:1-5

Do You Fully Believe as a Child Does?

Children have a vast capacity to trust Christ, and we should not keep them from coming to Him.


February 12 • Proverbs 1:1-4

Lead Your Family by Example

A wise man can look down the pike: he can prepare for the future; he can see danger; and he can get out of the way. But this is not true for the simple-minded.


February 11 • 1 John 1:7

Are You Enjoying Fellowship?

Fellowship with one another is a blessing from God that makes the Christian life even sweeter!


February 10 • Ephesians 3:20-21

God Always Gives More

God may not give you what you want. He will give you something better than you want!


February 9 • Proverbs 1:20-22

Who is Influencing You?

Guard your company and be aware of those who may influence you more than you realize.


Proverbs 1:20-22

Your Child: Wise or Otherwise Outline and Legacy Collection

Adrian Rogers says, “A fool is not born a fool. A fool is self-made, but he has a lot of help from his parents.” It is difficult to raise a child on biblical principles in this lost world, but Adrian Rogers reveals God’s wise instruction from the Book of Proverbs to keep you from raising a fool.

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