Matthew 7:13-14

The Holy Highway Outline and Transcript

Jesus told us in Matthew 7 that the road to Heaven is narrow. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the decision we face, the direction we must follow, and the destiny we will find at the end of the narrow way.


January 28 • Matthew 7:13-14

No Cost Too High

We are often looking for a cheap way, an easy way, a lazy way to serve Jesus. There is no such thing. We are called to follow Him, be changed by Him, and surrender daily to Him because the cost will be worth it in the end.


Matthew 7:7-11

The Power of Prevailing Prayer Outline and Transcript

The key to the vault of all of God’s treasure is prayer. The power of prevailing prayer is the greatest unused and untapped resource on earth. In this message, Adrian Rogers analyzes the promise, process, and provision of prayer from Matthew 7.


January 27 • Matthew 7:7-11

Is Anything Too Small for God?

We can pray about anything and everything. Nothing is too big or small for God to care about. He has power over all, He knows your needs, and He cares about you.


January 26 • Matthew 7:3-5

Take a Look Inside

There will always be hypocrites. We must use self-examination and keep our focus on God, who is never false, and on our love for Him to avoid hypocrisy in us.


January 25 • John 15:4-5

A Dependent Partner

Prayer is one of the greatest acts of love and kindness that God has extended because God enables you to join with Him in the ruling and administration of the Universe and the affairs of men.


1 Corinthians 12:12

Faithful in Fellowship Outline and Transcript

It is important that we understand that while Jesus Christ and the Church are not identical, they are inseparable. We cannot forsake the church; we must remain faithful in fellowship. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the church’s function, formation and fellowship, and how we can remain faithful to it.


Matthew 7:1-6

When Yardsticks Become Boomerangs Outline and Transcript

It is in our nature to judge others and see how we measure up. We all have our tape measures and yardsticks, but in Matthew 7:1-6, Jesus says that a yardstick will become a boomerang. In this message, Adrian Rogers gives a word of warning to those who judge others harshly and offers insight on how to discern right and wrong through merciful eyes.


January 24 • Matthew 7:1-5

God Sees the Angel in the Marble

We often see people as unworthy and fit to be discarded, but God doesn’t love us for what we are. He loves us for what we can be in Him. God doesn’t change us so He can love us. He loves us, so He changes us.


Matthew 6:25-34

How to Win in the War with Worry Outline and Transcript

There is nothing more destabilizing than worry, yet all of us worry more than we should. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how to win the war with worry, according to Matthew 6.

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