Romans 1:24

The Last Step On the Way Down Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

It seems our nation is on the last step on the way down, toward the society Paul warns about in the Book of Romans. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the danger of “tolerance” in a society bent on sexual immorality, and calls the church to a higher standard of purity.


January 12 • 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Do You Take Sin Seriously?

As the body of Christ, we’re in it together. What affects you affects me.


January 11 • Romans 1:18-19

Do You Recognize God as The Creator?

There are none so blind as those who put out their own eyes. It’s not that they cannot believe; it is they will not believe.


January 10 • Romans 1:20-21

Have You Seen God’s Invisible Attributes?

God has two witnesses that say He exists—creation and conscience. The inner is the subjective witness of conscience; the outer is the objective witness of creation.


Romans 1:18-31

The Lost World Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

God is a God of love, but He is also righteous; He is the Chief Judge, holy in His wrath. In Romans 1:18-31, the Apostle Paul reveals that this fallen world is without excuse. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals three reasons why this lost world is to be judged, and why it is important to repent of our ways and stay on the path of righteousness.


January 9 • Romans 1:16

Are You Ashamed of Jesus?

We live unashamed of the Gospel of Christ when we revere His name above all other names.


January 8 • Romans 1:14-15

Do You See the Spiritual Needs Around You?

As believers, we are blessed, but we are an island of blessing surrounded by an ocean of need.


Romans 1:14-16

Totally Abandoned to the Gospel Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

In Romans 1, the Apostle Paul describes the heart and mind of someone totally abandoned to the Gospel. In this message, Adrian Rogers examines Paul’s three “I am” statements to describe our passion and purpose as followers of Jesus.


January 7 • Romans 1:2-6

Are You Walking in the True Gospel?

Religion itself is not the Gospel. The source of the Gospel is God. The subject of the Gospel is Jesus. The supply of the Gospel is grace.


Romans 5:1

How to Have a Rock Solid Faith Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

In these desperate days, we need a faith that will hold fast in times of trouble. When the winds of circumstances, storms of calamity and floods of affliction come, we need faith like an anchor. In this message, Adrian Rogers shows us how God builds us up to have a rock-solid faith.

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