September 14 • 1 Corinthians 15:56-58

Created by God for Glory

One day we’re going to go from corruption to incorruption, from dishonor to glory. We will have that perfection God wants us to have.


1 Corinthians 15

The Resurrection Body Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

Thinking about what happens after our earthly deaths can be difficult. Though we may not know the exact logistics behind the resurrection of our bodies, we can trust that we will be made like Jesus which is the ultimate goal of every follower of Christ.


September 13 • 1 John 1:7

Can We Be Fully Clean Before God?

And if you don’t allow Jesus’ shed blood to constantly cleanse you, you’re going live a life of pain.


September 12 • John 6:53

Jesus Is All We Need

Jesus gave Himself for us so that we might take Him in and receive what we need. He said we are to do this so that His life might be in us.


John 6:53

The Power In the Blood Outline, Transcript and Legacy Collection

Only the blood of Jesus can wash away our sin. Only the blood of Jesus can make us whole again. But this is only the beginning of the power in the blood. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how Jesus’s blood continues its work even after our sins are washed away and we are whole again.


September 11 • Colossians 3:13

Do You Apologize or Seek Forgiveness?

In order to restore a broken relationship, we need to seek forgiveness sincerely and fully. An apology that defends our actions does not yield restoration.


September 10 • Psalm 42:5

Are You Soul Searching?

When feeling downcast, look your soul straight in the eye and say, “Soul, why are you feeling this way?” Look within and analyze your heart. Why are you depressed?


September 9 • Psalm 42:11

God Has a Future for You

No matter how bleak your circumstances might seem, God is with you. Don’t lose hope. God has a future for you filled with hope.


Ephesians 4:31-32

The Freedom of Forgiveness Outline, Transcript and Legacy Collection

It is in our human nature to make mistakes ourselves while finding it hard to forgive others. However, forgiveness is the sole remedy to our human condition. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the precious freedom of forgiveness, and how to be set free from guilt and bitterness.


Joshua 3:3

How to Arrive at Our Destination Without a Map Outline, Transcript and Legacy Collection

In Joshua 3, the children of Israel were approaching the Promised Land of opportunity. To get there, they faced a raging river of difficulty. However, they had with them the Ark of the Covenant, which changed everything. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares what happens when we fix our eyes on Jesus in the face of difficulty.

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