January 17 • Romans 2:4-7

God’s Goodness Leads Us to Repentance

The goodness of God brings us to repentance and a genuine dependence on Him.


January 16 • Romans 2:1-3

Are You Living in Hypocrisy?

We tend to want to measure ourselves by other people. The problem is that God measures us by the perfect standard: Himself.


Romans 2:1-8, 16

How God Handles Hypocrites Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

In Romans 2, the Apostle Paul reveals how God handles hypocrites, specifically addressing those who were indignant at the sins of others, and indulgent in their own. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the standard by which we will be judged and why it is crucial to avoid hypocrisy.


January 15 • Isaiah 1:18-20

Confession to God Leads to Freedom

There’s one thing God will never accept when it comes to sin, and that is an excuse. But once sin is confessed, God brings a cleaning and forgiveness that brings freedom and joy.


January 14 • Exodus 20:3-6

What Do You Value More than God?

What is an idol? An idol is anything a person loves more, fears more, serves more, or values more than God.


January 13 • Psalm 14:1-6

Are You Unwilling to Believe God?

Unbelief lives in the heart of person, not in the head of a person. There is a willful disbelief in the heart.


January 12 • 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Do You Take Sin Seriously?

As the body of Christ, we’re in it together. What affects you affects me.


Romans 1:24

The Last Step On the Way Down Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

It seems our nation is on the last step on the way down, toward the society Paul warns about in the Book of Romans. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the danger of “tolerance” in a society bent on sexual immorality, and calls the church to a higher standard of purity.


January 11 • Romans 1:18-19

Do You Recognize God as The Creator?

There are none so blind as those who put out their own eyes. It’s not that they cannot believe; it is they will not believe.


Romans 1:18-31

The Lost World Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

God is a God of love, but He is also righteous; He is the Chief Judge, holy in His wrath. In Romans 1:18-31, the Apostle Paul reveals that this fallen world is without excuse. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals three reasons why this lost world is to be judged, and why it is important to repent of our ways and stay on the path of righteousness.

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