February 21 • Mark 10:7-9

Who Is Getting Married?

When a couple gets married, they are no longer two but become one flesh. God’s math is one plus one equals one.


Marriage: The Real Thing Outline

Marriage is a serious commitment we should not take lightly. In order to grasp the nature of marriage, we must first grasp the nature of mankind. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how to experience marriage as it is meant to be.


February 20 • 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Do You Pray Together?

Prayer brings us closer to each other and to God.


1 Peter 3:1

Seven Secrets of Lasting Love Outline and Legacy Collection

Marriage is one of God’s greatest gifts to us; however, because we are imperfect people, we will face plenty of problems. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares seven secrets of lasting love in marriage.


February 19 • Galatians 3:28

How Do Priorities in a Family Work?

Spiritual oneness in marriage comes through oneness in Jesus.


February 18 • Jeremiah 31:3

How God Reacts to Rebellion

God refuses to step in and storm our control center and make us machines. We have a choice to follow Him.


February 17 • Romans 5:8

Do You Love or Lecture?

When you are in conflict with a child, talk less and pray more. And love that scorner more, then wait for the open door. Not the rebuke, but the open door.


February 16 • Genesis 6:17-19

Who is Holding on to Who?

We are not saved because we are holding on to God. We are saved because He is holding on to us!


Ephesians 5:23-33

How to Cultivate a Marriage Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

In order to learn how to cultivate a marriage and a healthy home, we must first understand godly authority. In this message, Pastor Adrian Rogers discusses the husband’s servant role in the marriage.


Hebrews 11:7; Genesis 6:1-22

The Captain and His Kids Outline and Legacy Collection

Noah’s faith in God saved him and his family from the Great Flood in Genesis 6. In this message, Adrian Rogers analyzes the symbolism, salvation, and security of the ship so that we might enter the ark of safety (through Jesus Christ) in a time of increasing rebellion against God.

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