July 17 • 1 Thessalonians 1:10

Do You Believe the Absolute Truth that Jesus Is Coming?

“And to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.”


1 Thessalonians 1:7-10

Waiting for Jesus Outline, Transcript and Legacy Collection

While we wait for Jesus to come back, we must also remember the wrath that is to come. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares insight on the Great Tribulation, and what we can do as we wait for Christ’s return.


July 16 • Revelation 13:18

Do You Know About God’s Numerical Symbolism?

The use and consistency of numerical symbolism in God’s Word is one of the many supports for the Bible’s divine inspiration.


July 15 • Revelation 6:17

Who Can Prevail Against God’s Wrath?

A day of God’s wrath upon the Earth is coming, but not until the Church is taken out.


July 14 • Matthew 24:9

Christians Are Promised Persecution

The persecution of Christians is a sign of things to come in the last days.


Matthew 24:1-14

Signs of the Times Outline, Transcript and Legacy Collection

Mankind has always been fascinated with knowing the future; our only reliable source of prophecy is the Word of God. In Matthew 24, Jesus prophesied His return to Earth, offering signs of the times. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares eight signs that indicate the beginning of the end.


July 13 • Revelation 5:6

Jesus is Perfect Completion

Seven is a perfect or complete number, and six stands for perfect imperfection. Throughout the Bible, seven is used to reference Jesus while six is used to reference man, Satan, and evil.


Revelation 1:12-13

666 vs. 777 Outline and Legacy Collection

Our God is a God of order and design; all of creation and numerical law is written into the Universe. In this message, Adrian Rogers deciphers what Revelation says about the numbers the warn us about the End Times.


July 12 • Matthew 28:19

Do You Believe in the Trinity?

The triunity of God is described throughout the Bible and reflected in our present world in multiple ways.


July 11 • Revelation 13:3

Who Will Marvel at the Beast?

Satan will use the Antichrist to be a counterfeit Christ, and many in the world will be deceived by his appeal.

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