1 John 2:12-14

How to Be a Growing Christian Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

A growing Christian is a maturing Christian, because spiritual maturity is becoming more like Jesus. Some Christians are saved, but aren’t growing. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals how to be a growing Christian, so we can know true victory and joy in our walk with Christ.


October 20 • 1 John 3:4-9

How Do You Discern Truth?

If Jesus Christ is in you, you cannot go on carelessly, thoughtlessly, continuously, practicing a lifestyle of sin. The Holy Spirit of God in you will convict you and deliver you from that lifestyle.


1 John 3:1-9

Real Salvation Outline and Legacy Collection

These days, we have many churches full of empty people who have never really been saved. In this message, Adrian Rogers identifies real salvation, which is outlined in 1 John 3.


October 19 • 2 Corinthians 5:17

Can We Really Live Like Jesus?

We come to Jesus just as we are, but Jesus did not come to save us in our sin. He came to save us from our sin.


October 18 • 1 John 3:1-3

Do You Talk to God as a Father?

We are a part of the family of God. You may think He’s forgotten you, but He hasn’t.


October 17 • Romans 8:14-17

Do You Feel the Closeness of God?

God loves you as much as He loves His own dear Son. We are the sons and the daughters of God.


October 16 • 1 John 2:18-19

Are You Ready for Jesus’ Return?

One day, when Jesus returns, we can meet Him with boldness, excitement, and joy.


October 15 • Matthew 18:2-5

Remember When Your Christian Walk Was New?

Did you know there ought to be a little boy in every man and a little girl in every woman who’s full-grown? It is time to grow, but don’t lose your wonder at Christ.


October 14 • Ephesians 6:10-13

Moving from Milk Bottles to Mighty Battles

It is time to move on to the next stage in your faith. Dive in deep, serve God, and get into the battle.


1 John 2:3-10

Birthmarks of the Believer Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

When we got saved, God put some indelible marks upon us. 1 John 2:3-10 reveals three traits of those who are born again. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the birthmarks of the believer.

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