Ephesians 4:27

How to Break Satan's Strongholds in Your Life Outline and Legacy Collection

It is unthinkable that a child of God could give a place in his life to the devil and grieve the Holy Spirit of God. However, there are many of us caught in Satan’s strongholds. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three steps to break Satan’s strongholds in our lives.


October 30 • Ephesians 5:17-21

Are Any Rooms in Your Heart Off-Limits to God?

To be filled with the Spirit of God means there’s not one room in your life where God is off-limits.


October 29 • Ephesians 4:29-32

Are You Holding on to Anger?

In moments when you feel bitterness, wrath, or anger, the Holy Spirit has not forsaken you. You can rely on Him to equip you and help you deal with your hurt.


October 28 • 1 John 3:20-22

Do You Have a Clear Conscience?

Keeping our hearts clean before God brings a good conscience and an effective prayer life.


1 John 2:18-19

Living in the Last Days Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

As children of God, we cannot afford to be ignorant of the dynamic days in which we’re living. In this message, Adrian Rogers gives clear instruction to those living in the last days.


Ephesians 1:2-14

A Three-Fold Cord Outline and Legacy Collection

God has saved us by His grace, and He keeps us bound to Himself with a three-fold cord that cannot be broken. In this message from Ephesians 1, Adrian Rogers explains the role of the Holy Trinity in choosing, saving, and keeping the believer.


October 27 • Ephesians 1:11-14

Do You Trust God’s Guarantee?

The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our inheritance, a promise that God is with us until He comes again.


1 John 2:15-17

Your Friendly Enemy Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

When you’re a Christian, the Lord fills your heart with love; however, there are some things the Bible says we cannot afford to love. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the character, corruption and condemnation of this world, our friendly enemy.


October 26 • 1 John 5:5-8

Trusting God Over Emotions

The witness of the Spirit is not an emotional experience. It is a certainty.


October 25 • 1 John 5:9-11

You Can Be Sure

If you want to believe, the Holy Spirit will enable you to believe, and then bear witness in your spirit that the Lord is good.

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