September 11 • Colossians 3:13

Do You Apologize or Seek Forgiveness?

In order to restore a broken relationship, we need to seek forgiveness sincerely and fully. An apology that defends our actions does not yield restoration.


September 10 • Psalm 42:5

Are You Soul Searching?

When feeling downcast, look your soul straight in the eye and say, “Soul, why are you feeling this way?” Look within and analyze your heart. Why are you depressed?


September 9 • Psalm 42:11

God Has a Future for You

No matter how bleak your circumstances might seem, God is with you. Don’t lose hope. God has a future for you filled with hope.


September 8 • Ephesians 4:31-32

Are You Seeking to Restore Relationships?

Rather than refusing to grant forgiveness, we should follow God’s example toward us and seek out restored relationships with those who have hurt us.


Joshua 3:3

How to Arrive at Our Destination Without a Map Outline, Transcript and Legacy Collection

In Joshua 3, the children of Israel were approaching the Promised Land of opportunity. To get there, they faced a raging river of difficulty. However, they had with them the Ark of the Covenant, which changed everything. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares what happens when we fix our eyes on Jesus in the face of difficulty.


Ephesians 4:31-32

The Freedom of Forgiveness Outline, Transcript and Legacy Collection

It is in our human nature to make mistakes ourselves while finding it hard to forgive others. However, forgiveness is the sole remedy to our human condition. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the precious freedom of forgiveness, and how to be set free from guilt and bitterness.


September 7 • Matthew 6:28-30

Are You Missing Today by Worrying About Tomorrow?

When we worry, we miss the blessings God has already given us.


Matthew 6:25-34

A Word for Worriers Outline and Legacy Collection

Some of us are prone to worry more than others, however, all of us worry more than we should. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares a word for worriers and gives us three things to consider when we begin to feel anxious.


September 6 • Matthew 6:26-27

Is Worry Harmful to Your Health?

At best, worry is useless; at worst, worry is harmful


Psalm 42:5-11

How to Get Up When You're Down Outline, Transcript and Legacy Collection

Depression is a serious problem. It is a health crisis, completely valid and, at times, very dangerous. Christians can struggle with depression. But there is an answer. In this message, Adrian Rogers offers hope and guidance on how to get up when you’re feeling down.

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