September 5 • Psalm 42:6-7

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?

God will never be satisfied until he meets the deepest needs of your heart, and you will never be satisfied until your greatest desire is for Him alone.


September 4 • Romans 8:26

You are Never Alone

You do not have to bear your pain alone. God loves you, cares about you, and is ready for you to cast your cares upon Him.


September 3 • John 4:14

Come to Jesus as You Are

Holiness is not the way to Christ; Christ is the way to holiness. You don’t work your way to the way. He is the way.


September 2 • John 7:37-38

Are You Thirsty for God?

God desires to fill and satisfy us, to take us beyond religion into reality and a relationship with Him. This kind of thirst in us leads to the abundant life God designed for us.


September 1 • Romans 8:28

God Did Not Create Suffering

It is faulty logic to believe that God created suffering and pain rather than acknowledging that man’s sin brought these into the world.


John 11:25-26

The Abundant Life Outline, Transcript and Legacy Collection

In John 11, Jesus raises His friend, Lazarus, from the dead; this miracle is an illustration of the abundant life we can have in Jesus Christ, before and after death. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares four principles of an abundant life.


Romans 8: 18-39

The Problem of Pain Outline,Transcript and Legacy Collection

There is truly little more discouraging than pain. Whether it be physical or emotional, the problem of pain is very real. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three propositions to make sense out of suffering and comfort us in our pain.s


August 31 • John 4:13-14

Can Religion Fill Your Heart?

It’s time to stop enduring religion and start enjoying salvation. It is time that you come to understand what the great heart of Jesus longed for


Luke 10:25-37

How to Be a Good Friend Outline, Transcript and Legacy Collection

One of the greatest and deepest needs we have as human beings is friendship. The Book of Proverbs is full of wisdom for making friends forever. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how to be the friend that we all need.


August 30 • Luke 10:34-37

Are You Blind to the Suffering Around You?

A person who has compassion sees people through the eyes of Christ. The problem with so many of us is we are just too busy to notice the suffering ones around us.

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