August 12 • 2 Peter 2:3

Are You Easily Deceived by Enticing Words?

The lies of the enemy are disguised with plastic words. We need to know the Word of God to combat these wicked schemes.


Proverbs 17:17

Making Friends Forever Outline and Legacy Collection

One of the greatest and deepest needs we have as human beings is friendship. The Book of Proverbs is full of wisdom for making friends forever. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how to be the friend that we all need.


2 Peter 2:9-15

The Character of a Counterfeit Outline and Legacy Collection

Hypocrisy is not new, neither is false teaching. In this message, Adrian Rogers describes the character of a counterfeit, so we can spot pseudo-prophets with plastic words.


August 11 • 2 Peter 2:15

Do Hypocrites Keep You from Jesus?

Never let a hypocrite keep you from the true riches of the Lord Jesus Christ. Counterfeit Christians prove the worth, the validity, and the reality of that which they are counterfeiting.


August 10 • 2 Peter 2:1

Partial Truths and Half Gospels

We are called to be on guard so that we won’t be deceived by partial truths and half gospels.


August 9 • 2 Peter 2:2

A Necessary Division Over God’s Truth

Division is painful and terrible, but it is better to be divided by truth than united by error. There are certain things God calls us to stand firm on and one of those is the truth of His Word.


2 Peter 2:1-9

Unmasking False Prophets Outline and Legacy Collection

The desperate need in these last days is authentic biblical teaching. Scripture tells us that false teachers are among us and warns us of the dangers of their doctrine. In this message, Adrian Rogers teaches us how to unmask false prophets to realize their presence and recognize their pretense.


August 8 • 2 Peter 1:18-19

Are You Trusting in God’s Word?

Human teachers of the Word of God and human testimonies of the Word of God are powerful, but the more sure word of prophecy is the Word of God itself.


August 7 • 1 Peter 1:25

You Can’t Drown God’s Holy Word

Books come and books go, but you can't drown God's holy Word. “The Word of the Lord endures forever.”


2 Peter 1:12-21

Blessed Assurance Outline and Legacy Collection

In days of counterfeit Christianity, confusion, and New Age mysticism, we must be acquainted with what is real, which is the Word of God. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three reasons why the Bible is the basis of our belief and the bedrock of our blessed assurance.

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