August 6 • Acts 17:28

How to Be a Channel of God’s Truth

All genuine truth intersects because all truth is of God. But God did not make you just to be a reservoir of truth, He means for you to be a channel of truth.


August 5 • 2 Corinthians 3:6

Do You Act on God’s Truth?

Knowledge without transformation avails nothing.


August 4 • John 8:31

Are You Too Busy for God’s Truth?

Hurry is the death knell of prayer and Bible study. You want to buy the truth? It’s going to cost you time.


Matthew 5:10-13

How to Prepare for Persecution Outline, Transcript and Legacy Collection

According to Scripture, becoming a genuine Christian means facing some kind of persecution. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how we can prepare for persecution, so that we don’t conform to his world.


August 3 • John 8:32

God’s Truth Sets You Free

Some believe that discipline and truth are restricting, but following God’s truth will set you free.


August 2 • Ephesians 5:25

Do You Love As Jesus Loves?

Do you know what most marriages need? What most homes need? It’s two funerals and a wedding where the husband and wife die to themselves and are married to one another.


August 1 • Ephesians 5:23

Loving Leaders Follow Christ

The husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the Church. Being the head means he is to love his wife as Christ loved the Church.


Ephesians 5:22-24

A Magnificent Marriage Outline and Legacy Collection

Marriage is meant to be a wonderful thing. Yet many of us have experienced miserable or mediocre marriages. But through His Word, God has given us directions to develop a magnificent marriage. In this message from Ephesians 5, Adrian Rogers explains the specific roles of husbands and wives in a God-honoring marriage.


July 31 • Exodus 33:13-14

Do You Know the Ways of God?

The difference between knowing the works of God and the ways of God is the difference between rest and relapse.


Exodus 33:12-14

Knowing the Ways of God Outline and Legacy Collection

There are two ways we can be acquainted with God: we can know His works (what He does) or go deeper and understand His ways (who He is). In this message, Adrian Rogers explains how to know the ways of God, and what that knowledge means for us.

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