July 30 • Mark 10:9

God's Plan for Marriage is to be Super Glued Together

When you get on the airplane of marriage, you throw away your parachute.


July 29 • Genesis 2:24

Do You See Marriage as God Intended?

Understanding God’s purpose for marriage through His Word provides the way to experience the deep commitment God intended.


July 28 • Ephesians 5:22

Submission Does Not Mean Inferiority

Submission to authority does not mean inferiority.


Titus 2:1-5

The Magnificence of Motherhood Outline and Legacy Collection

God Almighty created and sanctioned the home to be the sweetest place on Earth. Yet there is a satanic war on marriage, specifically on motherhood. In this message, Adrian Rogers reminds us of the magnificence of motherhood, and how it is the highest calling women could ever receive.


July 27 • Colossians 3:20

God Calls Us to Honor Our Parents

Obey your parents in all things. There’s a blessing in obedience. And not only is there a blessing in obedience, but there’s also great danger in disobedience.


Exodus 20:12

How to Be the Child of a Happy Mother Outline and Legacy Collection

Following God’s command to honor our parents is how we can be children of happy mothers. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares four ways we bring honor to our parents, and in turn, honor our heavenly Father.


Genesis 1:27

How to Prepare Kids for Marriage Outline and Legacy Collection

Marriage is the most vital and meaningful human relationship we could ever enter into; yet it seems obtaining a marriage license is the most flippant, accessible process to date. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how we can properly prepare our kids for marriage, the highest human relationship to which we could ever commit.


July 26 • Genesis 1:27

Finding Unity in Our Differences

God made us in the beginning male and female. We honor Him by honoring the way He made us. God made us different that He might make us one.


Deuteronomy 5:18

What Fathers Should Teach Their Children About Sex Outline and Legacy Collection

Deuteronomy 5:18 states that we should not commit adultery, yet our world has mainstreamed sexual immorality; by all appearances, it will only get worse. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares what Scripture says about moral purity, and what fathers should teach their children about sex.


July 25 • Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Teaching God’s Word in Daily Life

When you speak the things of God normally and naturally, consistently every day you’re really teaching the way God intended.

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