Genesis 2:19

Celebrate the Difference Outline and Transcript

There is no sweeter, deeper, more wonderful companionship than that of a husband and wife. In this message, Adrian Rogers gives a glimpse into God’s unique design of men and women, so that we may understand and celebrate our differences.


February 5 • 1 John 3:16-17

The Humility of Love

Christ’s love enables us to be unselfish, humble, and courteous toward others.


February 4 • 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Are You Loaded Up on God's Love?

God’s love enables us to extend love to others.


1 Corinthians 13

Real Love Outline and Legacy Collection

We are fast approaching a loveless world; in our mechanical society, it is clearer than ever that real love is what we lack. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three observations about real love, and why it is exceedingly valuable in our lawless age.


1 Peter 3:1-7

The Divine Design Outline and Transcript

We are fast approaching a loveless world; in our mechanical society, it is clearer than ever that real love is what we lack. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three observations about real love, and why it is exceedingly valuable in our lawless age.


February 3 • John 4:23

Choose Love Over Knowledge

What or who we love is expressed through worship. When we worship God, we give Him, our Father, great pleasure.


February 2 • Luke 9:52-56

Losing Direction and Doubling Your Speed

Acting rashly or foolishly in the name of Christ is not only reckless but also detrimental to the message of Christ.


February 1 • Revelation 3:15-16

Are You Spiritually Hot or Cold?

God desires for us to be zealous in our faith and our commitment to Him.


Titus 2:11

Zeal: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Sermon Outline

Every Christian needs a burning, blazing, passionate love for the Lord Jesus Christ. However, we must be careful with our zeal, so that it doesn't become misguided. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of zeal, so it does not lead to extremism and fanaticism.


January 31 • Matthew 6:8

God Always Answers with What We Need

Sometimes, our prayers are met with a different result than we desired, but God’s plan is always better than ours, and for our good.

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