July 4 • Matthew 6:10

A Revival for God’s Glory

When we begin to pray for the glory of God, God moves in.


July 3 • Daniel 9:3

Do You Pray with Zeal?

Faith and fervency in prayer is the key to praying with power.


Daniel 9:1-8

A Prayer for America Outline, Transcript and Legacy Collection

As our country faces a crossroads of morality and spirituality, we must remember that our greatest resource is prayer, and our only hope for this country is God. In this message, Adrian Rogers guides us in a prayer for America, so that we may hold back the judgment of God.


July 2 • Psalm 19:12

Do You Ask God to Search Your Heart?

God desires for you to allow Him to show you where you are wrong.


2 Thessalonians 1:7-10

The Beginning of the End Outline, Transcript and Legacy Collection

The stage is set, and the curtain is ready to be drawn back on the drama of the ages. Things are about to unfold, and we are living in the beginning of the end. In this message from 2 Thessalonians, Adrian Rogers reveals three tremendous truths about the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


July 1 • Zechariah 3:3

Are You Free from Guilt?

We are all found guilty in our sin before Holy God. Only when we admit this guilt, we can receive forgiveness and healing.


June 30 • Ephesians 1:17-21

Are You Living in Defeat or Victory?

Jesus Christ triumphed over sin and death, giving you the opportunity to live in that same victory as a Christian.


June 29 • 2 Corinthians 7:10

How Do You Deal with Guilt?

Guilt brings remorse and beats people down; it becomes a tool of the devil. Conviction comes from the Holy Spirit and leads to restoration.


Zechariah 3:1-4

Haunted by the Ghost of Guilt Outline and Legacy Collection

Our culture has redefined sin but has not been able to get rid of sin’s shame. Until we deal with sin as it is, we’ll always be haunted by the ghost of guilt. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how to deal with sin and shares the only solution to guilt and shame.


June 28 • Romans 3:19

Satan Uses Guilt to Enslave You

Once Satan entices you to sin, he uses guilt to accuse you and keep you bound up in that sin.

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