Matthew 5:17-18

The Secret of Fulfillment Outline and Transcript

The Lord Jesus Christ is the One our hearts long for, the One who can fulfill our deepest need. He did not come to destroy—rather, He came to fulfill. Jesus is the secret of fulfillment. In this message from Matthew 5, Adrian Rogers shows us how Jesus fulfills the Word of God prophetically, practically, and perfectly.


January 3 • Luke 24:25-27

Finding Jesus on Every Page

Never get the idea that the New Testament is about Jesus and the Old Testament is about something else. Friend, the whole Bible is about the Lord Jesus Christ.


Matthew 5:14-16

Bright Lights in a Dark World Outline and Transcript

In Matthew 5, Jesus calls us the salt and light of the world. Salt speaks of character while light speaks of testimony. This means that, as bright lights in a dark world, we are meant to be people of character and confession. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains the “Who”, the “What”, and the “How” of this powerful light within us.


January 2 • Matthew 5:14-15

Shine, Don’t Hide!

Be bold. Let Jesus’ light shine through you!


Matthew 5:13

Pass the Salt Outline and Transcript

In Matthew 5:13, Jesus calls His followers “salt of the earth.” In this passage, Adrian Rogers explains the importance of salt in Jesus’ time and in our own, so we can better understand our role as salt in this desperate world.


January 1 • Matthew 5:13

The Chemistry of the Cross

There should be something about Christians that gives flavor to the world around them.


December 31 • Proverbs 3:5-6

More Than a Roadmap

God’s plan for your life is not a road map; it is a relationship.


December 30 • Psalm 37:23

Custom Plans Just for You

God doesn’t deal with us all as a group. He deals with us as individuals. Just like every snowflake has its own specific pattern, God made you as an individual, and He has a plan for you.


December 29 • John 14:27

The Greatest Inheritance

Jesus is the only peace we will ever know. He is the peace that passes understanding.


Proverbs 3:5-6

Lighting the Future Outline and Transcript

Man is a clever creature, but he has lost his way in the darkness. God has cultivated wonderful plans for each of our lives. In this message, Adrian Rogers examines Proverbs 3:5-6 to help us understand how to find God’s will for our lives.

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