November 30 • Colossians 1:19-20

Jesus is Our Bridge

Jesus has reconciled us—He built the bridge that spans the chasm between our sin and God.


November 29 • Revelation 1:17

Responding to the Glory of God

When you truly see the Lord Jesus as He is, it will bring your full submission.


November 28 • Revelation 1:8

Jesus Will Return to Judge

Jesus first came to save, but He will return to judge. If you do not meet Him as Savior, you will meet Him as Judge and Sovereign.


November 27 • James 1:4

God Wants You to Endure

What is God’s plan for you? God wants you to be mature and learn to endure.


November 26 • Ephesians 5:20

You Need Pain to Experience Comfort

When we go through pain and tribulation, God has the opportunity to comfort us and then we can share that comfort with others.


November 25 • John 4:23-24

It’s Not About You

Why do you worship? Do you feel like you get nothing out of it? It’s not about you. It’s about God.


Colossians 1:19

Jesus: The One and Only Outline and Transcript

Out of the billions who have ever lived, only a handful of people have made a lasting imprint upon society. There is one who stands head and shoulders above all others: Jesus, the One and Only Son of God. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals three things we can learn about Jesus Christ from Colossians 1.


November 24 • Psalm 94:18-19

Do You Have Difficulties?

When we sail through life without any difficulties, we tend not to depend on God.


November 23 • Exodus 33:15-16

Are You Determined to Have God?

There must be a determination that you will have God in your life. In Exodus, Moses said, “Lord, I’m not going without You. If You don’t go, I’m not going.”


November 22 • Exodus 34:34-35

Are You Living Unveiled?

I’m wondering if there are some of you who are wearing veils, not to veil the glory, but maybe to hide the fact that the glory is not there. Maybe for you, there was once a time when God was very real to you, and you still go through the motions, but inwardly you know you’re hiding behind a veil.

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