Jesus not only gives eternal life to those who believe in Him, but He also gives abundant life through transformation.
READ MOREThe best gift you can give your children is to prioritize your marriage.
READ MOREThe key to a magnificent marriage is found in Exodus 20:14, which reveals: “You shall not commit adultery.” In this message, Adrian Rogers explains our responsibility as Christians, whether or not we’re married, so the next generation can know God’s plan for marriage.
READ MORESatan came to steal and destroy, but Jesus came to give life.
READ MOREExodus 20:13 reveals the sixth commandment: "You shall not murder." Life is God’s wonderful gift that we might choose to enjoy. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals three ways our families can choose life in the face of death and deception.
READ MOREThe Lord’s Day is a holy day of love, not legalism.
READ MOREIn an age of advanced technology to save time and energy, we are quite a hurried and restless people, plagued by speed and noise. God’s remedy for a restless home is the day of rest: the Sabbath. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals how to make the rest day the best day.
READ MORESunday is called “the Lord’s Day” because Jesus broke the bonds of death and came out of the grave upon the first day of the week.
READ MOREEncouragement is a wonderful way to help our children to grow in courage and confidence.
READ MORETeaching our children how to worship God will help them learn who God is, what God is like, and how to love Him with their whole heart.