Anything or anyone that you love more, fear more, and serve more than God is an idol.
READ MOREDon’t get the idea that you must be a perfect parent. You’re not a perfect parent, and your children are not perfect children.
READ MOREGod created the nuclear family; but with the world in this current state, we may be tempted to ask ourselves: Has the nuclear family bombed? In this message, Adrian Rogers shares five ways to parent our children that are worthy of honor and respect in this treacherous day and age.
READ MOREThe Ten Commandments were given for our good and welfare. One of these commandments instructs us not to take the Lord’s name in vain. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains how to take the Lord’s name in victory, as we teach our children to honor the Name Above All Names.
READ MOREWhen we learn to take His name in victory, we’ll certainly be afraid to take His name in vanity.
READ MOREThe best thing you can do for your children is to show them how to love God through worshipping God.
READ MOREWhen you surrender all areas of life to God and love Him with all your strength, you are modeling an authentic love of God to your children.
READ MOREIf you want to influence your children to love God, the best thing to do is to love God sincerely and authentically with all of your heart.
READ MOREThe first thing you do when you want to hold onto a promise is to remember yesterday’s provision. God took care of you yesterday, and He will be with you in the future.
READ MOREGod desires for us to be diligent and devoted as we pray and trust Him to meet our needs.