Daily Devotional
7 Ways to Be Faithful to Each Other

For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:12

Ponder This

The way this world will know Jesus is through the Church; there is to be no disunity; instead, we have a common purpose, function, and goal. We are to remain faithful in our friendship with one another. There can be no arrogance or envy, no rivalry or self-sufficiency; we are charged to care for one another. (See 1 Corinthians 12:25.)

There are seven ways in which believers in the Church demonstrate our faithfulness to one another.

  1. Love one another
  2. Receive one another
  3. Greet one another
  4. Submit to one another
  5. Forbear one another
  6. Confess to one another
  7. Forgive one another

Are you a member of a church body that exhibits love, reception, greeting, submission, forbearance, confession, and forgiveness?

Practice This

Consider who God is prompting you to “one another” with this week and act in obedience.

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