Daily Devotional
A Savior Instead of A Sedative

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

Ponder This

When we have an infection, we need to feel pain because the pain makes us aware of the problem. In the same way, the pain of life tells us about the infection of sin and points us to our Savior. But we have a world that doesn’t want a Savior. It wants a sedative. That’s the reason many get on recreational drugs: They don’t want to have to face the pain of life. An alcoholic tries to drown his problems. But those problems can swim. He can’t drown them. They come back to him again and again. Perhaps the biggest sedative of all is a screen. Amuse means “not to think.” But the pain is there to tell us that something is wrong.

We don’t need a sedative; we need a Savior. When we receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, He doesn’t give us a sedative, He gives us joy. And joy is not there to remove the pain; joy is there to help us until the last trace of sin is removed from this Universe. When sin is gone, there’ll be no more sorrow, no more tears, and no more pain. But until that time, we need pain.

  • What are some painful things you have encountered in life? How have you sought to cope with them?
  • What escape tactics do you use when you don’t want to face the pain of life? How has that affected you?

Practice This

Pray for someone going through a tough time. Remind that person that Jesus is always available to walk through the pain with His followers.

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