“Against You, You only, have I sinned, And done this evil in Your sight.”
September 23, 2022
If all you’re afraid of is the punishment for your sin, you may not be saved. If you’re a child of God, when you sin, you don’t weep primarily because you’re going to get punished. You weep primarily because you have disgraced your God. Our sin causes us to say, “Against You and You only have I sinned and done this evil in Your sight. Oh God, I’m so ashamed. My sin is against You. Not only did I break your law, God, I broke your heart.” That’s the difference between a slave and a son. A slave, when he disobeys, fears the whip. He fears his master’s lash. But a son, when he disobeys—if he’s a loving son—fears his father’s displeasure. He is brokenhearted that he has broken the heart of God.
Have a conversation with someone close to you to share the way you typically respond when you recognize sin in your life. Reflect on this in light of today’s devotional thought.
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