“Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes, and I shall keep it to the end. Give me understanding, and I shall keep Your law; indeed, I shall observe it with my whole heart. Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, for I delight in it.”
April 21, 2024
Growth requires nourishment. You need to feed on the Word of God. First Peter 2:2 says, “As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby” (KJV). Do you desire God’s Word this way? This is something I don’t want you to miss. There is no way under God’s sun that you can grow without taking nourishment, and your nourishment is the Word of God.
I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I’ve been in the church long enough to know that most Christians are spiritually out of shape. They have no strength. They have no muscles. They have no vitality because they have no exercise. They come on Sunday morning and sit and soak and think that by being at church they’re serving God. They call this the service, but it’s not the service. The service begins when you walk out those doors. And when you begin to serve God, you’re going to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Don’t worry about what you can’t do. Find out what you can do and begin to do it, and you will grow. Take the first step today to get nourishment from the Word of God.
Talk to a mentor in the faith. Commit to specific steps toward growth and ask that person to help you be accountable.
Discover the character of God through His many names revealed in Scripture. This month-long devotional invites you to read, reflect, and respond to the meaning of God's names, renewing your mind and transforming your heart in faith.