Daily Devotional
Are Your Standards Too High?

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”

Genesis 2:24

Ponder This

The Bible says a husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the Church. Is Jesus Christ committed to the Church? Or, when we fail, does Jesus say, “So long. I want a divorce from you. I no longer want to be your Lord, your Savior”? No! The Lord stays with us, and He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). Praise God for that.

You want me to tell you what a perfect husband is? A perfect husband is a man who does not demand a perfect wife. You want me to tell you what a perfect wife is? One who does not demand a perfect husband. Have you ever thought that your spouse’s failures may be God’s gift to you to help you develop character? His or her lateness may be God’s gift to help develop your patience. God knows what He’s doing. None of us is perfect. What a shame to let 90 percent of a good marriage go down the tubes because of a 10 percent problem. There needs to be a lifetime commitment. To be joined in today’s text means to be glued together, welded together. You are one flesh.

  • How has Christ loved you? How can this be applied to marriage?
  • If you are married, what are the areas in which you might have an impossibly high standard for your spouse? What needs to change?

Practice This

If you are married, have a conversation with your spouse about the ways you might have held an unrealistic expectation and discuss changes you want to pursue moving forward in God’s grace.

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