Daily Devotional
Do People Know What’s Important to You?

“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.”

Colossians 3:1-2

Ponder This

There was a man who took his shirts into a dry cleaner and gave instructions on how he wanted the shirts cleaned. But after several visits, the dry cleaner never truly matched his formula. Frustrated, he said, “Look, I brought them in the first time, I told you how. I brought them in the second time and told you how, and now you’re wasting my time.”

Later, this same man went for visitation with his church, and he got a card with the name matching the name of the dry cleaner. He asked the card distributer, “Do they (the dry cleaners) know me?” He said, “Yes, they do know you.” He asked, “What do they think about me?” The card distributer responded, “They think the most important thing to you is the way your shirts are done.”

Do you know what I want people to think of when they think of me? The most important thing in my life is Jesus Christ. But that doesn’t just happen on its own. That’s a principle to guide my life.

  • What are some things that are important to you? How is that evident in the way you live?
  • What are some things you want to be remembered for? How do you need to live today in pursuit of that goal?

Practice This

Ask a friend to share honestly about things that come to mind when he or she thinks of you. Ask where you can grow in reflecting Christ as the most important thing in your life.

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