Daily Devotional
Do You Always Say the Right Thing?

“How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”

Hebrews 9:14

Ponder This

What an amazing life the Lord Jesus lived. Do you realize that Jesus never corrected, withdrew, or amended any statement He ever made? I wish I could say that! Jesus Christ never apologized for anything He ever did or said. Jesus Christ never sought advice from anyone, and never had to ask for forgiveness.

Jesus Christ doesn’t have any strong points. For Him to have strong points, He would have to have weak points! Robert Clark has rightly given this assessment of His character:

“There was meekness without weakness, tenderness without feebleness, firmness without coarseness, love without sentimentality, holiness without sanctimoniousness, lowliness without lowness, truth without error, enthusiasm without fanaticism, passion without prejudice, heavenly‑mindedness without forgetfulness, carefreeness without carelessness, service without servility, self‑exaltation without egotism, judgment without harshness, seriousness without somberness, mercy without softness.”

What a person was the Lord Jesus Christ!

Practice This

The greatest question that can be asked was the question Pontius Pilate asked the crowd when Jesus stood before him: "Pilate said to them, ‘What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ’" (Matthew 27:22)? Now I'm going to ask that question of you. What will you do with Jesus?


Calling God's Name

Discover the character of God through His many names revealed in Scripture. This month-long devotional invites you to read, reflect, and respond to the meaning of God's names, renewing your mind and transforming your heart in faith.