“Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.”
February 12, 2023
Which is better: male or female? Neither is better. We are just different. When they built the San Francisco bridge, the engineers built the bridge so that all the parts inter-fit, but they all swayed. In the middle of that suspension bridge, that one-mile span, it will sway as much as twenty feet. It’s concrete and steel, it’s all bolted and welded together. There’s flexibility but also strength. The towers go down to bedrock, and all of those cables connect everything to those two great towers. There is strength in flexibility; it is not a weakness. What keeps that bridge up? Two things. Number one, the foundation. Number two, the flexibility. Both of those components are necessary for the bridge to be effective.
Now, what should be the two great towers for your home? One: love for God and love for one another. That’s the bedrock. Two: the flexibility that keeps your bridge from falling down. Never forget the power of flexibility in your family. Neither male nor female is better. We are different, but our differences don’t have to be our weaknesses—they can be our strengths when we have flexibility.
Speak to a Christian couple you admire. Ask this husband and wife how keep love for God and love for others as their bedrock, and how they exercise flexibility in their family.
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