“…when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels…. When He comes, in that Day, to be glorified in His saints and to be admired among all those who believe….” (2 Thessalonians 1:7, 10).
December 26, 2020
Christmas is not the end of the story! It’s not yet finished, for the Jesus who came the first time is coming again, and Christmas is not complete without the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The incarnation without the coronation would be like east without west, like an engagement without a marriage.
You may have thought this was a good Christmas for you—but, friend, the best is yet to come! The Heavenly Father has so much more in store for us when Jesus comes again.
We get all wrapped up in the little baby in the manger, then we then go beyond the birth of the baby, saying, “Yes, He came to die for our sins” (thank God He did that), but I want to remind you that the First Coming of Jesus and the Second Coming are linked together.
The Christmas Story in Luke 1 and 2 speaks not only of the Jesus who redeemed but the Jesus who reigned. Not only the Jesus who came the first time but the Jesus who is coming the second time to sit upon the throne of His father David, to rule over the house of Jacob forever and ever.
Imagine for a moment what your life would be like without the Resurrection, the Rapture, and the Second Coming of Jesus. The most glorious fact of the past is that Jesus came the first time. The most glorious fact of the future is that this Jesus is coming again. The one sure hope of this jittery old world is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Discover the third volume in our leather-bound devotional series, guiding you through faith, forgiveness, and leaving a godly legacy. With thought-provoking questions and space to reflect, it’s perfect for personal growth or as a heartfelt gift.