Daily Devotional
Do You Stay in Contact with God?

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.”

Ephesians 6:18

Ponder This

I was in Colorado where I have a friend who helps lead America in the Strategic Space Command. They keep the satellites high above the Earth in synchronous orbit: spy satellites, military satellites, and the space command. I went into a very small room there for a briefing. They asked, “What part of the world do you want to see?” I asked to see Libya. On a big screen, Libya comes up, and we can see the streets and the houses in Libya. You could see the lights that were twinkling at that very moment in all of Libya. They said, “If a missile is fired from here, we’ll know it the minute it’s fired.” Sitting in Colorado, they’re watching Libya. It’s an amazing thing.

In the same way, we have a Commander who lives above us. And He knows what is going on; He knows what the enemy is doing. Therefore, we must stay in contact with our Space Command, “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”

  • How does prayer keep us connected with God who is aware of and in control of everything?
  • What practices can you put in place to stay in touch with “space command”?

Practice This

Write a list of ways you can stay connected with God in prayer each day and week. Put some of these practices into place this week.


Real Truth Never Changes

Real truth never changes, and the truth about government is that it is God who ordains it, leaders who are responsible for it, and citizens who are accountable to it. The privilege of being called Americans comes with significant responsibilities—to God, to each other, and to the world.