Daily Devotional
Does the Mission Seem Impossible?

“‘But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.’”

Acts 1:8

Ponder This

The mission Jesus gave to the disciples must have seemed impossible. Look at them—a little group of ragtag apostles, some of them fishermen. Most of them didn’t have any education. They had no seminaries. They had no finances. They had no prestige. They had no political pull. And yet they were commanded to go into all the world and tell the message of a Galilean peasant who died on a cross, crucified by the Roman government. This was mission impossible.

Not only did they not have the credentials, but they were also up against impossible foes. There was the imperial might of the iron legions of Rome. There was the intellectual sophistry of the Greeks. There was the religious bigotry of the Jewish religion. And here they were. This reads like a magnificent novel, but it is absolutely true. It is the story of the Church triumphant.

  • What feels impossible in your life right now?
  • How is the story of the Early Church an encouragement in this regard?

Practice This

Write down the things you are facing that seem impossible. Pray over these things, confessing that all things are possible with God.

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