Daily Devotional
Dr. Law and Dr. Grace

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”

Ezekiel 36:26

Ponder This

A Baptist preacher once said, “I was doing things before I was saved that I should not have been doing. My eyes were watching things; my hands were handling things; and my feet were going places that were all wrong. So, I found a doctor I thought could help me. I went to Doctor Law and said, ‘I’ve got a hand problem. My hands are handling things they ought not to handle.’ And Doctor Law said, ‘No, the problem is not your hands; the problem is your heart.’ ‘What about my foot problem? They’re going places they ought not to go.’ ‘No. You’ve got a heart problem and it’s fatal.’ Panicked I asked, ‘Well, Doctor Law, can you cure me?’ ‘Oh, no, I can’t cure you. I don’t cure anybody. All I do is diagnose.’ So, I asked him what to do so he said, ‘Find Doctor Grace.’ So, I went to Doctor Grace. Doctor Grace opened the door kindly and I exclaimed, ‘Can you help me?’ He said, ‘Yes I can.’ I asked, ‘What medicine are you going to give me?’ And he said, ‘I’m not going to give you any medicine; I’m going to give you a transplant; I am going to give you a new heart!’ I wanted to know, ‘Will it hurt?’ Doctor Grace said, ‘It might.’ I asked, ‘What will it cost?’ And Doctor Grace replied, ‘Not a thing in the world.’”

When we have Doctor Grace, we get a new heart. He gets to the root of the problem, and He sets you free. This is the gift of Christ we all need.

  • What areas of sin do you struggle with? How have you been trying to solve them?
  • How has your life been different since you received a heart of flesh from Jesus? How has this new heart changed your struggle with sin?

Practice This

Pray and thank God for giving you a new heart.

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