Daily Devotional
Everything is About Jesus

“For dogs have surrounded Me; the congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me. They pierced My hands and My feet.”

Psalm 22:16

Ponder This

The entire Bible is about the Lord Jesus Christ. The Word of God is written to help you to love the God of that Word and His Son who is Jesus Christ. When you do that, it will lead you to worship. Worship is the bottom line; it is the highest attainment you can reach. We’re not saved primarily so we’ll miss Hell and go to Heaven. We’re saved to worship God. Salvation is more than having our sin forgiven. It is coming to a relationship where we can know God intimately and personally for ourselves.

When you study Psalm 22, you’re going to come away loving God more and loving the Word of God more than perhaps any other chapter in the entire Bible. You cannot read Psalm 22 and go away not loving the Bible and not loving the Lord Jesus Christ. As you read Psalm 22, you’ll have to say it’s all about Jesus.

  • How does today’s verse remind you of Jesus?
  • What are some other Old Testament passages you know that point to Jesus?

Practice This

Read Psalm 22 completely. Make note of the places where you see a direct connection to Jesus.

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