Daily Devotional
Filter Sermons Through Truth

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers.”

2 Timothy 4:3

Ponder This

Did you know Satan has put his ministers all across America? On Sunday, people will come down and sit in a service, and the man in the pulpit will look like a minister, but he will be a minister of Satan. Isn’t that frightening? You need to understand that Satan is not against religion. He’s always wanted to be like God. His temptation to you is not to be ungodly, but to try to be like God, in Satan’s way. Satan is the master of deception.

Matthew 24:24 says, if it were possible, he would deceive the very elect. That’s the reason we have to be discerners of truth.

Practice This

This Sunday, don’t just sit and soak in the service. Test the message against the Word of God and apply that which is biblical to your life.

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