Daily Devotional
God Gave You a Conscience

“I have hope in God, which they themselves also accept, that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust. This being so, I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men.”

Acts 24:15-16

Ponder This

Conscience is that inner voice—the judge God has put within our breasts—that accuses us or excuses us for our actions. Now conscience can’t make you be good or bad: it’s just the alarm that goes off when you are wrong, or it’s peace that affirms when you do right. We hear people say, “Let conscience be your guide.” But that’s not a foolproof method. You can let conscience be your guide sometimes, but not all the time. You can only let conscience be your guide to the degree that God guides your conscience.

A good conscience is a conscience free of offense toward God and toward men. If you don’t have that kind of conscience, you’ll never be able to stand criticism or endure persecution.

If you want to have a good conscience before God and men, you must ask if there is any unconfessed sin in your heart. The next question is if there are any problems between you and a brother or sister that you’ve not made right. I’m not talking about what they have done to you; I’m talking about what you have done to them. Have you offended somebody? If so, you need to deal with these sins and confess them to God—repenting and pursuing reconciliation with Him and with those you’ve offended.

  • What is your default reaction when you offend someone? What does a Christ-like response look like?
  • What is the state of your conscience? Does it bother you or are you at peace like Paul?

Practice This

If needed, pursue reconciliation with someone you have offended.


What is the mission of the Church?

Love Worth Finding's newest book, "A Final Charge to the Church, "is based on the final series of messages Pastor Rogers preached before retiring in 2005. Pastor Rogers wanted to prepare his congregation for the future. In doing so, he provided a biblically sound blueprint that applies to all Christians on topics including unity among believers, standing strong in opposition to the enemy (Satan), the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives, steadfastness in prayer, true worship, faithfulness to God's Word, caring for others, and the kingdom authority given to believers in Jesus Christ. The book is a great read for all believers who want to become better prepared, as the bride of Christ, to be radiant, pure, and faithful to Jesus, the living Word of God.