Daily Devotional
God’s Word Points to the Truth

“To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins.”

Acts 10:43

Ponder This

When it comes to sharing your faith, not only is there the witness of the soul-winner, but there is also the witness of the Scriptures. The Scriptures give witness to the truth about Jesus. He fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament. There are more than 300 prophecies in the Old Testament that were directly fulfilled by the Lord Jesus Christ. There are some people who see these Scriptures fulfilled and say, “Well, that’s only because they’ve rigged it. Jesus and His apostles arranged for Him to fulfill these prophecies.” If we really dig into it, we find that theory is quite impossible. Yet, the reality is, we cannot convince others to believe. We must only be faithful to present the truth, and the Scriptures give witness to that truth.

  • What are some prophecies Jesus fulfilled that stand out to you?
  • How might you learn more about these fulfillments to share them with others?

Practice This

Take time this week to research some of the prophecies Jesus has fulfilled and the historical evidence that supports these fulfillments.

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