Daily Devotional
Have You Ever Accepted You?

“And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Matthew 22:39

Ponder This

Most of us have never really accepted ourselves. We’re still struggling and trying to make ourselves acceptable. But we can’t. Just accept by faith that God has accepted you and be at peace. That is real peace.

I hear people say you’re not supposed to love yourself. No, that’s wrong. You’re to love yourself. You’re not to love your faults. I’m not talking about egotism. May I ask you a question? Does God love you? Is it all right for you to love what God loves? What does the Bible say? We are to love one another as we love ourselves. Now, if you don’t love you, you can’t love me. See? How do we love ourselves? We understand we are what we are by the grace of God. We have been born of God. We’re going to God. We have that peace.

  • Do you love yourself as described in today’s devotion?
  • How can you love yourself in this way while still honoring God? Why is it not sinful to love yourself in this way?

Practice This

Write out a list of ways God loves you. Consider how you are to love yourself so that you can display true love to others.

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