Daily Devotional
How to Start Your Day

“She also rises while it is yet night, and provides food for her household, and a portion for her maidservants.”

Proverbs 31:15

Ponder This

She is getting up to have a quiet time with the Lord. And the Bible goes on to say, in verse 30, that she is one who fears the Lord. I cannot tell you the times that I have awakened to find my wife already awake singing hymns to our Lord or walked in to find her on her knees studying and preparing her heart for the day. I think that’s the exact picture our Lord has here. You may think if you didn’t have the distractions or responsibilities of the modern world that you could do the same. While we have different responsibilities and distractions, we also have more luxuries than the people of this day. These include washers and dryers and stoves and refrigerators, and we wouldn’t want to trade places for anything. But here is a woman of godly worship, who is getting up early to have her quiet time with the Lord. The fact is, it was a priority for her. Is it for us?

  • How important is time in the Word and prayer to your daily routine?
  • What might change if you made this a higher priority?

Practice This

Commit to regular time spent with the Lord each day this week. Take notice of how your life is impacted by this commitment.

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